Talking Chaos Theory with Ralph Abraham

Sitting in his home office nestled in a redwood forest above the University of California, Santa Cruz where he’s taught mathematics since 1968, chaos theorist Ralph Abraham expresses concern about our connection. It’s not that we’ve never met; he’s just not confident that Ooma is reliable out in the woods. “Nothing works better than a […]
Sex, Time & Power

This article was based on an interview I held with the late Dr. Leonard Shlain, a brilliant surgeon and author. His daughter Tiffany is carrying her father’s work to the next level: to learn more, visit
The Art of Christopher Rowland

It’s close to 3 p.m. as Christopher Rowland slides into a booth in one of his favorite restaurants, the time his brain really revs into gear. “I’ve tried my hardest to get up at the crack of dawn, but I don’t really see until mid-afternoon,” he comments. He’s forgotten his contacts and squints at the […]
Rock your world with Sondra Ray

There’s nothing small about Sondra Ray. At 5’11”, she has the stature of a basketball player (indeed, she was that sport’s star at her high school in Grafton, Iowa), the strong bone structure of her Swedish / German heritage, a huge, engaging smile and a deep, earthy voice easily given over to hearty laughter. Her […]
Man of Steel & Stone

Looking like Fred Flintstone wearing nuclear protective gear, Zak Zakovi stands next to a six-foot high, twelve-ton slab of stone, carbine chisel in hand. His state-of-the-art Montana studio thrums with a cacophony of sounds; his body rumbles with creativity, yet “the stone-man” stops to wonder how stone-age men might react to his recent work: ‘Stelea […]
Rupert Sheldrake’s Genius

Ever looked up at a gaggle of geese and marveled at their exquisite, coordinated unity? Ever felt the urge to turn around and found that when you do, someone’s eyes have been fixed on you? Both are common experiences that illustrate what cutting-edge biologist Rupert Sheldrake considers the “seventh sense.”
Tai Ji Master Al Huang

Tai Ji Master shares secrets.
Tongue Fu!
Sam Horn has extraordinary tongue talent. But before you imagine a guy with multiple piercings licking his nose, know that Sam is a woman and her talent is using words as a martial art. A Toastmaster’s dream, she is the author of Tongue Fu! How To Deflect, Disarm and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict. With growing […]